Did you know


Did you know that the market value of processed meat in Serbia is 588 million euros. Annually, the average person in Serbia consumed 15.4 kg of processed meat in 2021. This market expects growth of almost 2% in the period from 2021 to 2026. Compared to fresh meat, processed meat decreased by 2% for the same period. The most interesting thing is that in Serbia, substitutes for meat products (Meat Substitutes) expect a large increase in consumption (volume) of as much as 22.7% in 2022. This market segment also expects growth of 21.42% year on year.

From ancient times, the main meal in Serbia cannot be imagined without meat. Meat is a source of protein, above all, but it still offers a lot of benefits. Meat can also be processed into dried meat products.

If you produce cured meat products, our help in the form of:

  1. Aromas
  2. Excipients (preservatives, organic acids…)

We are also here for herb blends.

Considering that the meat industry is well represented in Serbia, Esarom is working on the development to enrich the offer in the near future with as many flavors that could be applied in the production of meat products.

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